The following analysis lists GUKs’ achievements during the last year till December 2013. These have categorized in sequence with organizational strategic objectives.
- More than 32,320 women and men from extreme poor families received skills and human development training to get involve in different IGAs, job placements, small entrepreneurship development;
- More than 1.5 million families were provided with information about health, agriculture, watsan, disaster preparedness and management, climate change etc;
- Nearly 2,500 elected representatives of the local Union Parishads (UPs) received skills training about their role and responsibilities and presently they are playing active role for better services;
- The leadership capacities of extreme poor and poor women strengthened and consequently 40 women from poor families were elected directly to general and reserve seats of different Union Parishads;
- Approximately 6,300 excluded children mainstreamed in the non-formal primary schools, where more than 72% are girls;
- 24 (10 and 14 CS) Community Schools established, where more than 2,400 children are studying in a regular wise;
- In the remote chars, 2 Junior High Schools established where more than 600 children are studying in a regular basis;
- About 370 learners from GUK operated schools are presently studying in different colleges and universities throughout the country;
- Text books of higher student provided free of charge to nearly 2,400 students from extreme poor families;
- 450 students of higher education received financial support for the cost during form fill up and seating in exams;
- Better access facilities created in 225 government primary schools for children with disabilities;
- 250 disabled children were being supported to bring them mainstreaming in education;
- About 1442 disabled children received assistive supports including wheel chair, hearing and walking tools, reading and learning materials;
- About 36,000 families of the working area successfully lifted themselves out of extreme poverty and leading improved livelihoods;
- 80,200 cattle including cows, goats, ram and 1,43,500 poultry being vaccinated;
- Nearly 40,000 households received assets as livelihood supports including for goats, cows, ram, poultry rearing, small entrepreneurs etc;
- Over 1.6 million saplings of fruits, wood and medicinal plants distributed to the poor and extreme poor beneficiaries living in remote char areas;
- Numbers of training, orientation and workshop were being accomplished covering the areas of gender and development, rights and women rights, good governance and transparency, rights based approach, communication and information services etc;
- About 534 PVCA/PCVA in different areas conducted by the community people to identify their situation and condition as well;
- More than 95,215 people including women and men are playing active role against any sorts of violence against women;
- Submitted investigative report of 435 cases to District Judge Court on violence against women and children;
- Series of event to develop the human rights situation organized together with district level representation of different committees and Gainbandha Human Rights Situation Reports for 2013 published;
- 12780 extreme poor families received tube-wells and 9087 sanitary latrines installation supports that they are utilizing by their family members;
- The rate of engagement of the beneficiaries with small and medium entrepreneurship and multiple IGAs increased;
- The production rate of the producers and marginal farmers comparatively increased;
- Series of training and skill development courses organized especially on cattle and poultry rearing, vegetable gardening, utilization of natural manures instead of organic fertilizers under which approximately 73,982 persons gained respective knowledge and skills;
- About 3,872 members being engaged with cage and pond fish culture, reneging rearing, rice fish culture etc;
- About 9,324 members being engaged with seed production and preservation, organic and vermin compost, integrated water management and vertical agriculture, new cropping pattern to cope climate change effects;
- Flood tolerant and improved varituies seeds distributed to 25,342 beneficiaries to adapt with the effects of climate change;
- 32 school field, 231 community places, roads and 2,430 homestead and plinth raised and maintained;
- Organization participated optimistically in different fairs/mela together with upazila and district administration;
- Organization also made solidarity in celebrating different national and international days individually and together with upazila and district administration;
- Capacity building supports provided to 987 CBOs members, 657 civil society leaders, 1,074 community leaders, 365 service providers especially on entitlement and rights, social justice and gender development, information dissemination,
- The rate of interest to be involved with micro-insurance programme of the organization increased and last year’s organization covered more than 12,000 extremely poor families;
- 17 flood shelters and 38 cluster villages established, where more than 15,500 families can take shelter during activities to lift out from their losses and crisis happened by disasters;
- 30,800 families received emergency relief support and about 20,000 extreme poor people included in cash for works to face crisis happened by disasters;
- The homes of more than 10,000 families were affect by floods of which 4,750 were given new housing and were given items for their day to day life;
- Nearly 66,000 women, men and children of poor and extreme poor families received health, hygiene and nutrition supports;
- 08 eye camps successfully organized where 12,000 eye patents received necessary health advices and medicine supports;
- 4,500 eye patients of extreme poor families received financial and reference supports for their surgery and medicine;
- 2 health clinics and one therapy centre for people with disabilities established, where women and children from poor families receive childcare support;